Communiqués de presse 2010
Paris, le 22 avril 2010
Dans une lettre au Président du Club Med, Henri Giscard d’Estaing, le Directeur pour les Relations Internationales du Centre Simon Wiesenthal, Shimon Samuels, a exprimé son choc face à l’avis de voyage émis par l’entreprise française de tourisme :
"Croisière Bodrum – La Valette: la croisière Bodrum/La Valette du 16 au 28 septembre 2010 fera escale au Liban. Les autorités libanaises n’admettent ni sur leur territoire, ni à bord du Club Med II, de ressortissants détenteurs d’un passeport avec visa ou tampon israélien. En cas de non respect de ces formalités douanières, relevant de la responsabilité du ressortissant, celui-ci se verra refuser l’accès au bateau le jour de l’embarquement le 16 septembre à Bodrum, et supportera tous les frais en résultant. Le Club Méditerranée n’encourra aucune responsabilité pour toute omission, faute ou négligence du ressortissant."
Lire la suite : Le Centre Wiesenthal au Président du Club Med :...
Paris, 19 April 2010
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre applauded Gerd Buurman - a Gentile theatre director for demanding that the “Cologne Wailing Wall” antisemitic exhibit be closed.
Despite critics on the City Council, including members of the Green and the Left Parties, who called the exhibit “repugnant and clearly antisemitic,” the Cologne Public Prosecutor dismissed the complaint, claiming that it did “not meet the criteria of inciting hate.”
Though the exhibit displ ays a cartoon stereotyping to the medieval blood libel - a man emblazoned with a Star of David devouring a Palestinian child, with a knife marked ‘Gaza’ and a fork wrapped in a US flag. Next to the plate is a glass of the child’s blood. “Cologne Wailing Wall” is on show in the bustling pedestrian zone facing the Cathedral.
The Wiesenthal Centre’s Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, praised Buurman “for his intention to lead a civil legal action suit against the exhibit’s designer, Walter Herrmann, reportedly notorious for his hatred of Israel.”
The current Mayor of Cologne, Jurgen Roters, has endorsed the Prosecutor by his silence and done nothing to condemn Hermann’s hatemongering.
"Cologne’s citizens should protest the resuscitation in their city of a cartoon adapted from the Nazi 'Der Stürmer' newspaper of the 1930s. Our Centre will closely monitor the situation," concluded Samuels.
"Tout le Mérite de L'Interdiction Imposée par la Police contre la Marche du Collectif Cheikh Yassine à Drancy, pendant la Pâque Juive, revient à votre Ministère."
Paris, le 8 avril 2010
Dans une lettre au Ministre de l'Intérieur, Brice Hortefeux, le Directeur pour les Relations Internationales du Centre Simon Wiesenthal, Shimon Samuels a félicité le Ministre et le Préfet de Police de Paris pour "avoir empêché une manifestation antisémite flagrante, prévue pour samedi dernier, le 3 avril, au motif que le rassemblement présentait un risque de violence 'susceptible d'entraîner des troubles graves à l'ordre public.'"
Lire la suite : Le Centre Simon Wiesenthal Félicite le Ministre...
Paris, 7 April 2010
In a letter to Greek Prime Minister and President of the Socialist International, George Papandreou, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, lamented a spate of antisemitic discourse and acts throughout Greece over this Easter/Passover season.
Samuels urged the Prime Minister "to consider appropriate measures against the nation's largest circulation daily TA NEA, for arguably 'ad hominem assault on your honour'". The letter also suggested that "the Centre's pre-Olympics travel advisory, alerting against visits to Greece, be reinstated should the atmosphere of hatemongering persist."
Lire la suite : Simon Wiesenthal Centre to Greek Prime Minister:...
Paris, 23 March 2010
In a letter to UNICEF Executive Director, Ann Veneman, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre’s Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, expressed consternation at a UNICEF-supported programme that published an advertisement replete with hate. The ad was made known by the Palestine Media Watch,
Samuels noted that “the Palestinian youth organization, PYALARA, has placed its ad, featuring the UNICEF logo, under a Star of David composed of the Stars and Stripes, cracked open by an axe with the inscription ‘BOYCOTT!’.”
Lire la suite : Wiesenthal Center to UNICEF Executive Director:...